If you are a Clear Pond Business Owner OR own a local business near Clear Pond and would like to donate a product/service & participate in our 2023 ACTIVITIES FUNDRAISER, please fill out the form below. Business owners who donate to our fundraiser will be featured in our '2023 Clear Pond Business Sponsors Video,' your business will also be listed on the homepage of our Clear Pond website and advertised in our 'Clear Pond News/Events' Facebook Group. You can view last years video below. This is a great opportunity to promote your business!
Terms: Business will be advertised in our '2023 Clear Pond Fundraiser Business Sponsors Video' - this video will be active on our 'Business Owners Directory' page until 12/31/23. Business LOGO will be featured within a slider on our website homepage footer until 12/31/23. Business will be advertised individually in our Facebook Community page "Clear Pond News/Event." One business will be featured per week - we will not be able to provide an exact date of when your business will be featured. Within all advertisements we will feature your business name, location, phone number, website, email, & brief business description.
Please sign up using the form below. A member of the Activities Committee will be in contact with you shortly.